Getting your test results
If you have had a test done at the surgery ordered by one of the doctors the result will usually be available via online patient access after 5 days. Your doctor will add a comment and should have advised you what to do at the consultation. If there is no comment and your symptoms have not changed we suggest you complete an eConsult and your doctor will advise further.
If the comment is see task please ring reception after 3pm any weekday afternoon and our team will advise you.
If you do not have patient online access please ring for your results after 5 days after 3pm any week day afternoon.
If your blood test was for an annual review you will receive your results at the nurse appointment.
Once a doctor has reviewed your test results, you can view them:
- in your NHS account (through the NHS website or NHS App)
- by using our online service
- Calling us on 01730 267722 after 3pm